WKR. I would go with lots of caution and watch for red flag warnings Any advice for Pisces to be in a successful relationship with an Aquarian? What a regret and a total waste of those yearsBut they are gone and Ill NEVER get them back unfortunately I dont want his money, or his fancy car or houseI need and want his attention, his love, his ALL. A Pisces guy is also old-fashioned and likes to be the one who pays for dates. But typically two signs placed next to each other on the zodiac will struggle to find common ground. 7. Watch her eyes for clues to her interest. aquarians are dreamers too, butn ot in the same way as a pisces. The Aquarius man heads off to a job at the office. He can teach her to open up, but she will never provide him with the emotional depth and sensitivity that he needs in a lover. But of course thats your own choice. Most serial killers fall under Pisces). this pisces will love his aquarius forever, even if she refuses to be his. 1) be chased 13. This one might be a product of my upbringing, but: Extremely. Sorry to hear that you had a bad experience with a piscean. Sometimes just not being really compatible and NOT having enough commonality will cause something to go amiss, Are you guys exclusive? As a child you may have been ostracized for your "weirdness", leaning into this characterization in adulthood as a defense mechanism to keep . Feb. 4th and Mar 2nd 3. There are some arguments and differences between Pisces man and Aquarius woman. I cried reading this. Lying to a Pisces guy is just as hurtful as any harsh truth you could tell him. 15) hell no We decided to date and things have never made more sense. When you learn more about the typical Pisces personality, you will get a better sense of what kind of woman attracts a Pisces man. Aquarius rising is eccentric, unique thinkers. You have probably only dreamed of a guy who was so in tune with himself, others, and especially you. Pisces men have a thing for feet, so they can't stand a woman who doesn't take care of her feet. But that could also possibly be because of what was stated in point #5. MY problem with pisces man even while we live in the same city he likes to be alone a lot and prefers to go out all alone and hates when i want to be included all the time. I believe each zodiac combination has a chance; it's just a matter of learning what each sign brings to the table. That is until Pisces male comes along. Albeit I am always easy, friendly in her office. 10 Ways to Win Back a Pisces Man After a Breakup, 10 Best Colors For a Winter Wonderland Wedding, 10 Signs Your Pisces Man is About to Break Up with You, 5 Pisces Man Spirit Animals That Best Represent Him, Top 10 Pisces Man Needs in a Relationship. Do two cancers, creative and a scorpio man compatibility steven fherman april 9th. It was (I finally realized) HIM that was that way but wanting to blame me b/c he didnt accept the way he really was I am a picese man and testify to loving an Aquarius woman. Welcome to my blog about the Pisces man. But she, an Aquarian Woman, will really be frightened by my love, and more so by her own deep need for such a beautiful Pisces Man and will never respond its easy for her, so she thinks For I, Joseph, a Pisces Man AM HER HERO There are millions of men out there (trust me) that will care about you as a woman and love you and treat you with kindness and the respect you deserve 5. And we havent even dated we just been toxic with each other for almost 4 years now and Im not understanding why he even keeps coming back . An Aquarius lady likes to play hard to get. An Aquarius woman doesnt want a clingy lover, so a Pisces mans mysterious nature will be to his advantage when it comes to seducing her. Although they have a few things in common, their differences will likely be too numerous for this pair to make a good couple. Im an Aquarius lady (double Aquarius & my rising sign is Libra) and my husband is a wonderful Pisces. He has some amazing fantasies that she thinks she'd be happy to be part of. Therefore I started to check all the other signs compatibility with me. I want that devoted, committed, loyal man. . After the kids grew up we separated. IF a man is already verbally abusive and is already showing signs of being able to be physically abusive to you he well may do that very thing and it might not be pretty. Pisces men are naturally empathetic. They are dreamers, they are big flirts, they are not as dependable as women think they are, and they will cheat if given the opportunityThey are men that like ALOT (to much ) alone timeSO, for me NO MORE PISCES. Talk it through together. I really believe he is the love of my life and I will do all I can to make it work. 9. You could use this as a way to open up more conversation. Sex with pisces man is not the best. Making a Pisces male angry is like witnessing a very different and stern side of him, but this rarely happens. On a first date, follow these Scorpio love tips : Keep the conversation neutral but interesting. Others prefer to keep their distance and are most comfortable when they have a partner who respects their personal space. She initially spills her all to her new Pisces man lover in hopes that he actually listens to what she has to say. She should not only be emotionally self-aware but also sensitive to the feelings of those around her. Aquarius is very gentle and she gives up on her romantic ideas in life. I am an Aquarius female dating a male Pisces and this could not describe him more! Your previous relationships or past experiences definitely shaped your opinions and thoughts.Your Libra Moon and Aries Rising would probably be a better match for an Aquarius with lots of air in her chart.I wonder if you have a Scorpio Venus because I havent known many Pisces men who openly admit to being possessive of their partner. 14. I think this love can absolutely work and be amazing as long as they are both working on it, kind of like I am doing! I wondered if a Pisces is willing to forgive, bring us back to reality and help us express thats all. 10. TONY I am an Aquarius woman and have been for a very long time. But I can tell you I am done with her games and I am thinking of quitting. Aquarius brings in new ideas and helps Pisces move in the water. Yes, but I also like to cook for someone and cooking together is fun. 8 Sure-fire Tips on How to Attract a Pisces Woman Even though she craves her freedom to continue to be her individualistic self, once she falls in love, she is forever of her lover. Anyways like they say in Canada peace oooot!. Aquarius will always value a kind person above a super rich person. Yes! Aquarius and Pisces: Love, Sex, & Friendship Aquarius is a fixed sign, and Pisces is a mutable sign. Pisces Man & Pisces Woman Compatibility: Perfect Match. Im obviously not speaking on behalf of all Pisces. I feel we will be just fine. Do Scorpio and Aquarius Match? Mysterious in your behaviour but yet letting a little bit of your true persona slip will let her know you do care and that you arent predictable cause Aquarius hate routine. I love him so much I really hope it works out for us, we have so many external obstacles between us. These fundamentally different approaches to sex and romance will cause a great deal of misunderstanding and tension between a Pisces and an Aquarius. Know he is trying to hook up with me again after he's been gone for 8 months for sex. Lying and cheating. More often yes than no. These books showed me the truth, answered all my questions and fully convey and support The Truth as it is. You wanna get your rocks off, have a wank. The reason this happens is that he does come down from the clouds, and the physical world will never be able to match his visions. Pisces women are very insecure and they are looking for a man who is strong and confident. So I know what I am talking about, been there, done that. Thats an issue thats dependent on trust and past experience. I am sending you hugs and lots of positive energy. With this pisces man I feel truly bonded, just like this article says. Its possible down the line once theyve figured out how to create a strong bond otherwise, its on the back burner for these two. I said it depends on the person. Moon In Pisces Man - His Love, Sex and Intimacy Traits - Astrology India SO, sorry I seem cold but its actually concern for your well-being. I told him and hes listened well. First. Hence, affectionate person who, which is not go very focused and cancer sun friends. Your experience gives me hope Roszie!! PDF Scorpio Man And Aquarius Woman In Bed - Annualreport.psg.fr No, it is not as easy as the traditionally compatible signs, and Im sure its more drama for him than dating another water or earth sign but in a way, the drama just proves how much we love eachother. Overall, the Aquarius woman and Pisces man love connection probably wont be enough to make these two get married, but if they go into the union well-prepared, they have a chance of making it work. This one might be a product of my upbringing, but: Extremely. 1. I just love him and I want him to give me all of his love, but I get in in doses, at random times. It isnt always easy between the two of us. I was married to a Pisces for 34.5 yrs. To woo a Pisces woman, be funny 4. I am an intense Aquarius who wants to merge emotionally,physically and spiritually with my man and become one with him. There is a psychic and telepathic connection with Pisces men which is hard to explain in words. I think Pisces and Aquarius can work, if the Pisces is matureand the Aquarius is open-minded, at the same time. @Wandakate thanks for your response. I hope I find my Pisces man soon. Im not inclined to forget as easily. They were best friends who married last year. right? These two have a lot to learn from each other in the bedroom, but eventually, they will have each taken everything they can from the relationship and will need to move on to partners who better fulfill their disparate needs. A Pisces man is loyal to his partner and will be there for her, no matter what. I know it is up to him. So I got a job I loved, and put all my time and effort into that, and my sport. 11. Im an Aquarius woman and she is right..conversation, honesty, and joking. Phew, never again! If he is successful, the two will have to work out the bugs in their relationship to make it last. She will fall for those who can be different from all others, and give her impression of exclusivity. How to Avoid Making a Pisces Man Break Up with You. When she matures, she begins to realize she prefers an actual companion. He finds her very appealing and will want to talk to her and get to know her. We get a divorce within 1 year of his philandering. Pisces man wont understand this about her and will start looking elsewhere to find someone else who fits his desires in life. This is something that can happen in any relationship; if you don't have your own inner strength yet and haven't learned how you stand in the world, combining your energy with someone else's is going to be messy. YOU lady are not using your headYou have been brainwashed by this man. There is just not enough common ground for them to forge a close friendship, but that doesnt mean they will dislike each other or cant have a great dynamic within a group. Aquarius are generally a brilliant, innovative, and curious zodiac. The Pisces man thinks the Aquarius woman is very kind, talented, intelligent, and appreciates her capacity for telling the truth. I was recently talking to him about how I dont know where the relationship with the pisces is going, and with his scorpio powers he somehow got me talking about what I am really REALLY looking for in a relationship which is eventaully marriage and children. I keep fantasizing about being loved passionately. Watches me do chores while he just scrolls through social media on his phone while telling me he is doing important things. I can see my future in his eyes. 6 th Tip: Get interested We cant pretend. Were a intimate sign for a reason. We do argue and bicker but eventually move on and get over it. No need to harp on about it. When you do that she will ask questions about you be honest she will admire that. How did you take your relationship to the next level ? Here's the trick to reel your Pisces back in. Dating a pisces man experiences - Heinrich-von-Stephan-Gemeinschaftsschule He had a horrible temper. Consecutive signs often share traits, regardless of element. At least not easily. I am older now but I am still Aquarius, just an older version hahaha. Once again, most likely a deep-seated issue. Im so happy I found this site. To give that up, the guy has to really be worth the huge change in her life. So why bother. I would just notice another man and he would get upsetWhos he, you know that guy, did you date that asshole b4 me? We either want a relationship or we dont, we either care or we do not. I am a scorpio woman but I feel like this too. Something about his attitude and attention toward her brings her out of the clouds and back down to earth. i dont know what to do. which is really strange to me. Because they are so imaginative, a Pisces guy is drawn to a woman who is as creative as he is. Let's take a look at seven specific reasons why. Ive never raised my hand to a woman but plenty inanimate objects have beared (bore?) 14) its never enough keep em coming. She does not even like having to give orders if she can avoid it. And second of all, thank you so much for replying to my questions about Pisces men with such honesty.I am seeing 3 common replies to the question about commitment and it makes me happy to know that Pisces men arent afraid to commit to the woman they like as I am also someone who likes the clarity on where I stand with my man in the relationship. The Aquarius man and the Pisces woman belong to neighboring zodiac signs, which offers them a good karmic link on which to build their relationship. I have problem in my love life. Dont forget because you get busy and wrapped up in the newest fun and cool thing! We treasure trust and honesty above all other things. For me having sex with another deepens our connection in a love based sense. If you continue to stay in this relationship and continue to be a miserable woman with no life and continue to be used by him and abused by him and controlled by him then there is NOBODY to blame but yourself. Is Aquarius man attracted to Pisces woman? [Expert Review!] Id say 60% in favor of a homebody. What Attracts the Capricorn Man to the Aquarius Woman? (Top 10 Tips) Im obviously not speaking on behalf of all Pisces. Suspicion might arise if youve been caught in a lie and the act follows not to long after. The Aquarius woman can cause some ripples or even waves in the Pisces normally tranquil waters. Wooing her by bringing flowers and some chocolate will definitely work. Dating a pisces man like - Is the number one destination for online dating with more relationships than any other dating or personals site. Lots of military wives cheat. I need my questions answered, and I need his undivided attention when he is not working. Out of friendship and into a relationship ? Your email address will not be published. Love it. Lots of people mistakenly think water and air elements don't go together. More conservative children may be embarrassed by what they see as eccentricities of their parents, but they may be the envy of their friends for having such cool parents. Coldness and not being honest/open. Even if you are just calling her every night and proving you are there for the long haul. i believed she could never break up with me but here i am cant stop crying. Remember that so far too rational virgo man and virgo man. We are capable of deep love but we are choosy Im who we decide to give it to since secretly we have trust issues. A Pisces man is calm, thoughtful, quite gentle and compassionate person, most of the time. Weve been married since 1983 and were still in love. Id say about 70/30 in favor of being chased. Thats highly dependent on the situation. 11. If its going well then immediately. To read your description is like night and day in what we have..I do hope you find happiness, you deserve nothing less. 13. Yes as values family She has to stand out from the crowd. If you care about a woman you should show her while she is yours. However, they are both dreamers and tend to think outside of the box.