Commodity Planted All Purpose Acres Harvested Acres Yield Production Price per Unit Value of Production in Dollars; COTTON: COTTON, UPLAND: 7,850,000: 2,050,000 In Kansas, soybeans typically are planted in April and May then harvested in September and October. Yield, at 85.0 bushels per acre, is unchanged from a year earlier. Soybeans actually have hundreds of uses, from industrial products like engine oil to food products and animal feeds. Corn area planted for all purposes, at 5.70 million acres, is down 7% from last year. Because of the lack of rain during planting, Sipes only expects to harvest about one third of his 3,300 sorghum acres. 0000001276 00000 n Sorghum for grain production in 2020 is estimated at 238 million bushels, up 17% from 2019. The approved APH yield is calculated using trend-adjusted yields, and any other applicable yields, within the APH database. The average yield of 129.0 bushels per acre is [], LINCOLN, Neb. Area planted, at 19,000 acres, is up 11,000 acres from last year. Sassmann won the no-till, non-irrigated category of the 2014 National . On Tuesday, Aug. 10, Gro's models suggest Missouri could see an average statewide corn yield of 170.6 bushels per acre (bpa), close to last year's 171-bpa crop. Basic Unit - A basic unit includes all of your insurable grain sorghum acreage in the county by share arrangement. These low nitrogen fertilization rates were less frequent in the high-yielding group (Figure 2), with the high-yielding group presenting a high frequency of high phosphorus rates (P>25 pounds per acre) and lowest proportion of no phosphorus fertilization (Figure 2). Kansas State University Department of Agricultural Economics. 0000021943 00000 n Area harvested for grain was estimated at 85.4 million acres, up 4 percent from the 2020 estimate. The average yield, at 3.70 tons per acre, is down 0.30 ton per acre from 2019. . CAT is available at 50 percent of your APH yield and 55 percent of the projected price. Similarly, Kansas (with a 158-million-bushel decline in production) saw a yield decline of 24 . All multi-peril crop insurance, including CAT policies, are available from private crop insurance agents. Soyfoods including edamame, tofu, soy beverage, soy nuts and other versatile ingredients like textured vegetable protein offer flavor, texture, nutrition and health benefits. Data entries were split in three groups (high, medium, and low) according to their yield values. Please email or call (800) 582-6443, ~ Providing Timely, Accurate and Useful Statistics in Service to U.S. Agriculture ~, (Part of the Northern Plains Regional Field Office), County and District Geographic Boundaries, Crop Condition and Soil Moisture Analytics, Agricultural Statistics Board Corrections, Still time to respond to the 2022 Census of Agriculture, USDA to follow up with producers who have not yet responded, Still time to respond to the 2022 Puerto Rico Census of Agriculture, USDA to follow-up with producers who have not yet responded (Puerto Rico - English), 2022 Census of Agriculture due next week Feb. 6, Corn and soybean production down in 2022, USDA reports Area harvested, at 15,000 acres, is down 10,000 from last year. 0000003384 00000 n Access the national report for this release at:, Access the National Crop Production Executive Briefing at:, Find agricultural statistics for your county, State, and the Nation at, USDA National Agricultural Statistics Service, LAKEWOOD, Colo. Based on August 1 conditions, corn production in Colorado is forecast at 142.78 million bushels, according to the August 1 Agricultural Yield Survey conducted by the Mountain Regional Field Office of the National Agricultural Statistics Service, USDA. He said he is pleased with the yields he is seeing on his 1,500 acres of the crop. 0000006493 00000 n The reported management practices implemented by farmers in the five years (2013-2017) analyzed from the National Sorghum Yield Contestimpacted the sorghum yields in different magnitudes. These files contain State and County level data for Kansas for the previous year. Cotton production of 320,000 bales is up 14% from last year. Yield of 1,200 pounds per acre is down 590 pounds from a year earlier. Area harvested for grain, at 3.40 million acres, is up 21% from 2020. Each serving of soyfoods provides 7 to 15 grams of protein. Soybeans are grown primarily for processing into meal and oil. Oil sunflower production in 2020 is 76.4 million pounds, up 56% from last year. 50.0-100.0 1 0.- 5 > 150.0. 0000002133 00000 n 1 customer. In this east central Missouri county, the average yield for grain sorghum runs between 60 and 70 bushels per acre. Non-oil sunflower production of 14.4 million pounds is down 45% from last year. Both farmers say this practice helps their yield. Non-oil sunflower production of 26.1 million pounds is up 186% from last year. Part of that efficiency can be attributed to biotech-enhanced seedstock, which has grown from 77% of total soybean acres in 2002 to 94% in 2018. Figure 1. The 1.21 million [], LAKEWOOD, Colo. The 2021 corn for grain crop is estimated at 148.35 million bushels, 21 percent above last years production of 122.96 million bushels, according to the December 1 Agricultural Survey conducted by the Mountain Regional Field Office of the National Agricultural Statistics Service, USDA. SCO may not be available in every county. Kansas principal crop acres include corn, sorghum, oats, barley, winter wheat, soybeans, sunflower, cotton, canola, and all hay. %%EOF 0000015128 00000 n It is planted for harvest as grain under the Common Crop Insurance Policy. Although his family raised sorghum when he was growing up, he has increased the amount of the grain on his farm. A greater proportion of late-planting dates (after June 1) were found in medium- to low-yielding groups (Figure 2). 0000066080 00000 n Yield is forecast at 86 bushels per acre, according to the USDA. 0000008536 00000 n In 2022 the extracharge average $0.d243 per bushel of grain sorghum for yields greater th45 an bushels per acre. 0000001386 00000 n Soybean production for 2021 totaled 190 million bushels, down 3% from 2020. Table 1. endstream endobj 281 0 obj <>/Metadata 70 0 R/Pages 278 0 R/StructTreeRoot 80 0 R/Type/Catalog/ViewerPreferences 300 0 R>> endobj 282 0 obj <>/MediaBox[0 0 612 792]/Parent 278 0 R/Resources<>/Font<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text/ImageB/ImageC/ImageI]/XObject<>>>/Rotate 0/StructParents 0/Tabs/S/Type/Page>> endobj 283 0 obj <>stream Number of heads per unit area: For this on-farm approach, start by . The average yield in the United States was estimated at a record high 177.0 bushels per acre, 5.6 bushels above the 2020 yield of 171.4 bushels per acre. It follows a cover crop that does not meet the criteria outlined in the Insurance Availability section of the special provisions. 0000004721 00000 n HdV]SG?cR5XZJETuS *-= w_?=|_[vz={yCx3R5L*Nw?L))8J>|)5V'B`2-^6?~|[?M8. Kansas 2021 Crop Production Summary Average corn yield per bushel up in 2021, while soybeans and sorghum down . However, last year his farm average reached 160 bushels. Kansas County and Agricultural District Map, Questions? If you choose the 75-percent coverage level and enterprise units, your coverage is 75 percent of your approved actual production history (APH) yield, the premium subsidy is 77 percent, and your premium share is 23 percent of the base premium. free from the Adobe Available for the Yield Protection Plan only. Area for harvest, at 4.70 million acres, is up 5% from 2019. 2.5 bushels/acre for the each year of record, This result is more than twice the dryland rate of 1.1 bushels/acre. The soybean is the highest natural source of dietary fiber. Area harvested for silage, at 60,000 acres, is down 35,000 acres from last year. Kansas State University estimates for the 2020 crop season show growers in the state can expect planting corn will cost about $40 to $60 per acre more. The low-yielding values ranged from 60 to 125 bushels per acre, with an average yield of 110 bushels per acre (n=42). A 60-pound bushel of soybeans yields about 48 pounds of protein-rich meal and 11 pounds of oil. The average yield, at 1.65 tons per acre, is down 0.25 ton per acre from last year. Enjoying a cup of soy milk or cup of tofu per day may reduce the chances of developing breast cancer later in life by as much as 50%. Soybeans naturally are rich in protein and oil, and they have the highest natural source of dietary fiber, making them a versatile crop in terms of uses. Producers harvested 250,000 acres of corn for silage, unchanged from last year. web site. hbbd```b``@${z'd fI60L^*'>IV Y03930120.8H/ 94h Contact a specialist. Area harvested, at 540,000 acres, is down 14% from 2019. Resources for Individuals looking into farming for the first time. If you have additional coverage and pay an additional premium, you may increase your prevented planting coverage to a level specified in the actuarial documents. Tweet Contact your crop insurance agent, or for more information see the Price Discovery tool. CAT is available at 50 percent of your APH yield and 55 percent of the projected price. Soybean production for 2020 totaled 190 million bushels, up 2% from 2019. As of March 1, 2019, 102.8 million bushels of soybeans were stored off farms in Kansas, and 32 million bushels were stored on farms. Alfalfa for haylage and greenchop production, at 80,000 tons, is down 57% from last year. Experts recommend two or three servings of soyfoods daily. Recognize growers for their outstanding yields. 124 0 obj<> endobj Premium discounts apply. Sorghum area planted for all purposes, at 3.60 million acres, is up 20% from last year. Soybean growers harvested 86.3 million acres, up 5 percent from 2020. The main soybean-producing area is in the Corn Belt and lower Mississippi Valley. ARPI may not be available in every county. 0000009264 00000 n The average yield was estimated at 51.4 bushels per acre, 0.4 bushel above 2020. No distinctive pattern was found regarding plant density among yield groups (Figure 2). 0000004785 00000 n 0000000976 00000 n Row Plants/Acre Plants/Acre Plants/Acre Plants/Acre Width 27,000 41,000 55,000 76,000 38 2,358 2,745 2,635 2,567 2 rows/bed 0000003329 00000 n Farmers planted 7 million acres and harvested 448 million bushels. H\0D|/cl)D^Rd8 A^u- R\uqwE{wc?}:0&y[wvJ0|,v/dROMosa_JOL`7Rvay9?W{x*ZZ'~{^Wvt98ft!,KZSWumD;Zt@[@;jlX#>gcY/>>8.-4f~#5oJh7`c43w1O7c~.QcbK |,Y4mdAo-Y42XTR'X,M,Z,x-Y4oO[1FWcJjZwq-L\G_2x#CL%z6d2;q2M^ 9 Jed Fleske of Fleske Farms in Larned is in the middle of his grain sorghum harvest. Ana Carcedo, Postdoctoral Research Fellow Ciampitti Lab Although in previous years, Sipes crop brought in 65 bushels per acre on this dry-land crop, this year he anticipates about 40 bushels per acre on the one third he plans to harvest. Area harvested for grain, at 2.80 million acres, is up 17% from 2019. Management practices explained close to 80% of the yield variation. The maximum replanting payment is the lesser of 20 percent of the bushel guarantee, or seven bushels multiplied by your price election. decline from 2021/22, due to lower harvested area and a forecasted 22-bushel yield drop from last year to 172 bushels per acre. Find a crop or livestock insurance agent in your area along with directions to their office. The four major grain crops grown in Kansas (corn, soybean, grain sorghum and wheat) have experienced upward trends in yield (Figures 7 - 10). January 4-10: Matt Herman, Senior Director, Renewable Products Marketing, with the Iowa Soybean Association shares a preview of the 2023 Kansas Soybean Expo economic panel. Hybrid Selection Only 9.5% of Kansas soybean acres are irrigated. Identify top sorghum producers in each state. This forecast is down 4 percent from last years 148.35 million bushels. This election is continuous unless canceled by the cancellation date. Thus, the data from the yield contest is roughly two-fold above the state average. 0000011590 00000 n High-yielding planting dates ranged from May 1 to June 1. Area harvested, at 30,000 acres, is up 15,000 from last year. Area harvested, at 9,000 acres, is down 9,000 acres from 2020. %%EOF The price percentage relationship between grain sorghum and corn RMA determines, rounded to the nearest whole cent, is available in the Price Discovery Reporting application on RMAs website. As of Oct. 9, Kansas sorghum for grain is forecast at 237 million bushels. 37 0 obj <> endobj xref 37 34 0000000016 00000 n Yield, at 1,600 pounds per acre, is up 130 pounds from a year earlier. Failure of the irrigation water supply, due to a covered cause of loss during the insurance period; Insect damage and plant disease, but not damage due to insufficient or improper application of control measures. The full publication is available online at: It may not be available for all practices, and the factor may vary by practice. A crop (other than a cover crop) reached the headed or budded stage prior to termination, regardless of the percentage of plants that reach the headed or budded stage. The seeding rate can be calculated by using the following formula. Managed correctly, grain sorghum yields can exceed 130 bushels per acre. 0000004656 00000 n Actual Production History (APH) Commodity Maps. It is grown in the county on insurable acreage; It is adapted to the area based on days to maturity and is compatible with agronomic and weather conditions in the area; It is a combine-type hybrid grain sorghum (grown from hybrid seed); It is not a dual-purpose type of grain sorghum (a type used for both grain and forage), unless a written agreement allows insurance of such grain sorghum; and. Section 207(f)(2) of the E-Government Act of 2002 requires federal agencies to develop an inventory of information to be published on their Web sites, establish a schedule for publishing information, make those schedules available for public comment, and post the schedules and priorities on the Web site. All other hay production, at 3.30 million tons, is down 15% from last year. Oklahoma 414,000 acres. 0000066175 00000 n Crop insurance premiums are subsidized as shown. This is ahead of the 48% at this time last year. SCO is a new crop insurance option that provides additional coverage for a portion of your underlying crop insurance policy deductible. 0000066439 00000 n Yield of 194 bushels per acre is up 14 bushels from last year. Alfalfa for haylage and greenchop production, at 168,000 tons, is up 110% from last year. 0000067252 00000 n Have a specific question for one of our subject experts? 0000067113 00000 n Not available with CAT. Access the national report for this release at: 0000067470 00000 n ;4j . The no till helps because you also help to hold the residue on top of the ground, so it doesnt evaporate.. Dec. 28-Jan. 3: Scott Gerlt with ASA provides a preview of topics to be discussed on the economic panel at the 2023 Kansas Soybean Expo. Number of entries per county for the National Sorghum Contest between 2013 and 2017 for the state of Kansas. D -`%261`a`PP&cdz.LW6fdca 3@ IZt endstream endobj 38 0 obj <>>> endobj 39 0 obj <>/ExtGState<>/Font<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text]/Properties<>>>/XObject<>>>/Rotate 0/TrimBox[0.0 0.0 612.0 792.0]/Type/Page>> endobj 40 0 obj <>stream Scott Staggenborg, director of research at Chromatin, Inc., the parent company of the seed firm Sorghum Partners, gave plenty of ideas at the annual SorghumU meetings in Salina, Kansas; Enid, Oklahoma and Perryton, Texas. Area planted, at 25,000 acres, is down 29,000 acres from last year. Evidence indicates soyfoods reduce the risk of several chronic diseases, including coronary heart disease, osteoporosis and certain forms of cancer. County-level crop estimates are not published if any of the following conditions exist: Estimated harvested acres are less than 100, insufficient number of producer reports were received to establish statistically defensible estimates, or estimate would not guarantee confidentiality of reported data from an individual producer. Planted area for the Nation, at 87.2 million acres, was up 5 percent from the 2020 planted acreage. Yield of 950 pounds per acre is up 167 pounds from a year earlier. Desired planting rate divided by percent actual germination equals number of seeds to plant to for the desired population. endstream endobj 125 0 obj<> endobj 127 0 obj<> endobj 128 0 obj<>/Font<>/XObject<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text/ImageC]/ExtGState<>>> endobj 129 0 obj<> endobj 130 0 obj[/CalRGB<>] endobj 131 0 obj<> endobj 132 0 obj<> endobj 133 0 obj<> endobj 134 0 obj<> endobj 135 0 obj<> endobj 136 0 obj<>stream
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