wausau west high school staff

wausau west high school staff

The Wausau School District will not let these buildings deteriorate. The Wausau West High School Counseling team welcomes you to another fantastic school year. We invite you to peruse the website and to learn more about our schools. Thomas Jefferson Elementary School Home School Info CONTACT US Thomas Jefferson Elementary 715-261-0175 Fax: 715-261-3100 500 West Randolph Street Wausau WI 54401 Brent Johnson Principal bsjohnson@wausauschools.org Tammy Steckling Administrative Assistant tsteckling@wausauschools.org Daily Schedule 8:15 a.m. - Doors open. The Wausau School District's goal is to create spaces where students and staff will thrive; while at the same time improving our service to you and becoming more efficient in the process. If you didn't share your feedback yet, please scroll down to take our survey. Four members of the current coaching staff will lead the team for the remainder of the season, including head coach Nate Lemmens and assistant coaches Jason Teske, Jason Waldvogel and Tekoya. You may register your child as a student in the Wausau School District any time within the school year. Wausau West High School, home of the Warriors, is a public high school in Wausau, Wisconsin. If you have relocated and are unsure of which elementary school serves your residential area, contact the Office of Student Accounting at 715-261-0560. While that occurred, the coaches did not attend last nights practice. If you are receiving error messages when trying to enroll please clean out your computer's cache and/or browsing history. F, G Sr. 3: Brooklyn Burns . After receiving a tip late Monday Wausau Pilot & Review reached out to Athletic Director Jason Foster and Principal Jeb Steckbauer, who referred the inquiry to Communications Director Diana White. Business Office: 715-261-0899 The appropriate paperwork needs to be sent to the Director of Special Education. Contact her at editor@wasuaupilotandreview.com. Wausau West High School; WAVE Wausau Area Virtual Education; Explore More. We greatly appreciate your wonderful support." MAXPREPS; CBSSPORTS.COM; 247SPORTS; G. Basketball . Athletics: 715-261-0736 Attendance: 715-261-0735 Counseling: 715-261-0740 715-261-0725 Fax: 715-261-2035. Making it worse, like many districts, we also lose students to something called open enrollment. West High School is a public high school of the Wausau School District located in Wausau, WI. We want you to have a seat at the table! If you have specific questions please check the information on this page or call your local school. ), Click here to learn all about the subcommittees and their work. Right now, the Wausau School District is facing a number of challenges that need to be addressed sooner rather than later. That means, that some programs, even certain athletic offerings,aren't able to run because there are not enough studentsinvolved to make them happen. They could have chosen any school district in the area to receive these donations, yet they chose us. Colleen Berkhahn Principal. Ashwaubenon 57, Seymour 46. Students must be five years old by September 1st to enroll in kindergarten. As we look at the challenges we're facing and the trends we see in the years ahead, now is the time for us to be proactive and thoughtful about how we best move the Wausau School District forward so we're not forced into a reactive decision. . The Career Center is a part of the Wausau West Counseling Department and the Career Center Coordinator works closely with the counselors. More than 1,000 people have signed a petition to halt the restructuring plan and instead, take the plan to an advisory referendum that the public would vote on. We couldn't be more grateful for that. We want you to be involved in the re-creation of the Wausau School District. The Wausau West High School Counseling team welcomes you to another fantastic school year. Furthermore, all students would have the support they need when they need it. Specific Open Enrollment dates are set each year by the Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction. 715-261-0850 Fax: 715-261-3260. Teachers, custodians, building support and nutrition services staff; not to mention bus drivers, are all in high demand. Three months later, we took the referendum proposal to the community and it passed. Jess Huggenvik is a West High alumna and was a member of the 2000 volleyball team that qualified for the state tournament. This incident involved alcohol use; however, at no time were students involved or impacted., Human Resources and our West Administrative team immediately started an investigation, Whites statement reads. The impact you are having means more to our district, our staff members, and the students and families we serve than you'll ever know. 1 school will be converted and house our Wausau Area Montessori Charter School. Home - Franklin Elementary School Wausau West High School. Students under expulsion orders from other school districts will not be enrolled in the Wausau School District. 2: Emma Morehead. We are the stepping stone to their future and we need to make sure they have every tool necessary so that it's the brightest it can be! Coach Lemmens will return to head coaching duties starting with Wednesdays practice. Search Results for High School Events - NFHS Network As the investigation wraps up, the Wausau West High School Boys Basketball teams will be led by four members of the current coaching staff for the remainder of the season. The Wausau School District partners with community organizations to form the 4K program. Full-time students have the added benefit of being able to participate in WIAA . However, that is only an option if their schedules allow and if they have the transportation to do so. NOTE: The environmental charter school still needs approval. Hours Monday - Friday 7:00 AM until 4:00 PM. 1:20 WAUSAU - A white Wausau West High School history teacher was photographed on Wednesday wearing Native American attire, according to the father of a student in the class. School Hours; School Report Card; Title 1; . Here is the full statement from the Wausau School District: The Wausau School District was made aware of an incident involving some of the coaching staff for the Wausau West High School Boys Basketball teams. Wausau West High School; WAVE Wausau Area Virtual Education; Wausau School District. A student with a disability who meets eligibility requirements may apply to attend an eligible, participating private school under a scholarship awarded through the states Special Needs Scholarship Program as established under section 115.7915 of state statutes. Brittany Tesch. Copyright 2023 WSAW. Here are Thursday's high school sports results We also asked about whether or not the community would be interested in closing and merging schools (since this has been a topic of discussion for the better part of a decade). Staff Directory - Wausau School District That equals a decrease in revenue limit authority by $7 million each year going forward. Cedarburg 64, West Bend West 45. Not only will we get more efficient, we can also ensure we are positioned well to handle declining enrollment and long-term financial challenges. Here's what we want you to know: Here at the Wausau School District, a lot of work needs to happen. 3101 North 13th Street Wausau WI 54403. The Diploma Programme is a balanced and challenging program for juniors . What will happen to buildings if schools are closed? Unloaded gun found at Wausau West, district thanks student that - WSAW Proof of residency, identification, and age of the student may be required upon request. Wausau West High School: Top 2016 graduates - Wausau Daily Herald Wausau West High School Alumni Class List. White later issued a prepared statement that said the district was made aware of an incident involving some of the coaching staff for the Wausau West High School Boys Basketball teams. WAMCS will expand to serve students in grades 4K-8. School Info - Wausau East High School Notre Dame 74, Menasha 52. Wausau West High School - Wausau, WI - NFHS Network Those newsletters will include: Important information the community needs to know Fun and exciting things happening within our District/schools Job openings and volunteer opportunities .and so much more! 02/14/23:Restructuring Conversation Update, 02/03/23: Restructuring Latest/Website Updated, 02/02/23: Elementary Summer Learning Registration is Open, 12/21/22: Update: Restructuring Conversations, 12/15/22: Power Outages & Virtual Learning, 12/12/22: PCR COVID-19 Tests Offered Again, 12/5/22: Restructuring Community Meeting Wednesday, 11/22/22: Check your Student's Social Media Activity, 11/21/22: UPDATE: First Student Bus Routes, 10/27/2022:4K-Grade 5 Families: Supporting Students Before and After Alice Drills, 10/25/2022: Letters to Families about WSD Restructuring 10-2022, 10/20/22: Likely Hoax Impacting Schools Across Country, 09/16/22:Updated SeeSaw Incident Communication, 08/31/22: Be Sure to Download the Bus Tracking Parent App, 08/26/22: A Reminder about COVID-19 Protocols, 08/23/22: New Learning Management System, 08/9/22: Fill a Backpack Fill a Need Available Once Again, 07/27/22: Back-to-School Information Coming Soon, 05/27/22: New Director of Learning and Student Achievement, 05/27/22: Change to the COVID-19 Mobile Unit Schedules, 05/25/22: Processing What Happened in Texas Tuesday, 05/23/22: Human Growth & Development Policy Discussion. Click on the link below to access the sponsor form. Kudos to you and your staff. Wausau West High School is all about academic integrity and diversity through a flex-mod schedule. Grant Elementary. This website is powered by SportsEngine's. Class meets 3 days a week = $30.00. Classreport.org provides free Class Reunion Websites for every graduating class of every high school, with free access for all class members. Total Students: 1,338. We want your students to have the very best experiences possible here in the Wausau School District. 2607 North 18th Street Wausau WI 54403. Color(s) Blue and Gold Mascot: Warrior: Newspaper: The Warrior's Word: Yearbook: Aurora: Wausau West High School is a public high school serving students in grades 9 to 12 of the Wausau School District. Because of rapid brain . Superintendent Dr. Keith Hilts said . Greater Wausau Area & News 9 WAOW Donate Hundreds of Hygiene Items. We want to reach out to you with some more information about last nights decision by the School Board to restructure the Wausau School District. Wausau West High School celebrates graduates in Class of 2018 The comparison group does include parents of former district students. For more context, we encourage you to watch these discussions from the Board Meetings we reference above. Did you know restructuring has actually been a conversation in the Wausau School District for decades? Wausau School District investigating incident involving coaching staff Published content is property of Wausau Pilot and Review. If you are new to theWausau School District and ready to register, check out the ENROLL ONLINE tab to the left. RT @ManderfeldNoah: . Is a referendum required to restructure the Wausau School District? Horace Mann Middle School. Shereen Siewert is the editor and publisher of Wausau Pilot & Review. The restructuring of the Wausau School District would allow us to ensure students have the same opportunities regardless of which school they go to. Click on the link below to access the sponsor form. 1200 W Wasau Ave Wausau, WI 54401. Main Menu. 1200 West Wausau Avenue Wausau WI 54401. This website is designed to help showcase our program and provide visitors with information they need to become involved with Wausau West Boys Basketball. Wausau East has been an IB school since 1978, being one of the earliest public schools to become an IB school in the United States. It's no different here at the Wausau School District. Upload it here. Over a 20-year period, we've lost more than 700 students. For tonights game at Merrill, Coach Teske will be coaching our Varsity team and Coach Waldvogel will be coaching our JV1 team. One significant need is to expand child care in our community. Wausau West High School is part of the Wausau School District and has approximately 1371 students and 17 varsity sports. Will this change save the District money? Collectively, our professional staff will work diligently alongside students and their families to engage students, foster achievement and inspire excellence through out their high school years. Alcohol-related incident involving members of Wausau West Boys Basketball coaching staff under investigation, First Alert Weather: A winter storm on the way for Sunday night into Monday, Former Packer released from Marathon County Jail on cash bond, Man, 57, killed in Iron County snowmobile crash, Order a Copy of a Story or Newscast That Aired on NewsChannel 7, Public File: web@wsaw.com - (715) 845-4211. Today there are over 5,500 IB World Schools in 160 countries. Support Wausau West Hockey with an ad in the 50th Anniversary Program! Wausau School Board directs admin to prepare plan for merging schools 500 North 4th Avenue Wausau WI 54401. Amie Olson - 715-261-0725 , ext. *Students who earned a GPA of 3.75 or above are pictured in . 120: Caitlyn Kelley, Florence/Niagara pinned . Wausau West Career Center - sites.google.com Enrollment in a home-based private educational program as provided under state law. News - Wausau School District Depending on the school, some teachers have less than 10 students and others have more than 25 students. NOTICE OF EDUCATIONAL OPTIONS FOR STUDENTS WHO RESIDE IN THE WAUSAU SCHOOL DISTRICT. Collectively, our professional . Students will automatically be enrolled in their next grade level. Moving forward, staff will be highly involved in any plan development, analysis, and implementation. As part of the initiative, the district has scheduled an in-person community conversation at Wausau West High School at 5 p.m. on Wednesday. We'd also like to say THANK YOU to News 9 WAOW. Riverview Elementary School. The proposal the School Board approved means implementation will not happen until the, Appropriating facilities for charter schools and other specialized programming, In-person Community Input Sessions (Live streamed to YouTube and aired on Wausau Area Access Media), We've met with staff and PTOs at our schools. Wausau West Hockey Schools - Wausau School District Students with special education needs will have their existing Individual Educational Plan (IEP) implemented so there is no interruption in services. We proudly serve nearly 7,760 students in 4K-Grade 12. The Wausau School District (WSD) offers a variety of educational options to students who reside within District attendance boundaries. Class meets 5 days a week = $40.00. Rick Kuharske Photographer WW Hockey 21-22 Flickr Album. Our twenty schools within 258square miles includetwo high schools, two middle schools (grades 6, 7, and 8), thirteen elementary schools (grades K-5), two charter schools, and one virtual school. There is a great deal of new research indicating that the skills we teach and when we teach them are critical to a child's success in reading and his/her ability to regulate his own feelings and make friends as well as all developmental areas. No. The names listed below are alumni who have been searched for on this site from Wausau West High Schoolin Wausau, Wisconsin . Follow on Twitter at https://www.twitter.com/shereensiewert. 715-261-0190 Fax: 715-261-2223. Wausau West High School: Top 2016 graduates. Links to them are below: Click here to Watch the January 10, 2022 Board Meeting where that was discussed, Click here to watch continued conversation during the january 17, 2022 Board Meeting. Staff Directory - Wausau WI funeral home and cremation No Ads, No Spam, No Pop-ups, No Fees. Go Warriors! Full-time Open Enrollment involving physical attendance in a public school of a nonresident district or attendance through a virtual charter school associated with a nonresident district. 4K FAQ - 4K & Early Childhood - Wausau School District Parents do not need to re-enroll each year. The principal (or his/her designee) in conjunction with Central Office Administration will make the final decision in the event a registration question arises. Maine Elementary School. District; Schools. They, too, will help us re-create the Wausau School District! Special Education, EL, and Title 1 will all maintain their student/teacher ratios. The school strives students to pursue higher education after their 4 years in high school.

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