Let's take a bunch liberal book educated socially connected individuals, and put then in a no win situation Everything from, the mass printing and inflation, ESG, to Covid, to Vaxes, to CBDC, to W Way back in college I read Life and Teaching of the Masters of the Far East (6 Volume My first thought, after watching this video, is Is it possible that the shipments lab Satanism is western. The CDC has finally done a proper look into the protection offered by prior Covid-19 infection as compared to vaccination. We must hold everyone with compassion. Could These Mysterious Clots be The Cause of Death? Unless a few brave and courageous people are willing to stand up and say I dont agree! history suggests that we will end up somewhere we deeply regret. If you aren't familiar with him, he runs a website called Peak Prosperity and his biggest contribution to the cultural landscape, IMO, is his Crash Course. Information, commentary, analysis, and an online community for discussing the convergence of global issues facing the economy, environment, and our energy needs. Worse, that municipal water systems are the means for distributi, Everywhere we look, the data combined with what's happening on the ground appear to be clear: disastrous outcomes are taking place. He is the founder and editor of the website Peak Prosperity. Medical Imperialism Driven by Pure Greed: An Interview with Robert Kennedy Jr. At Peak Prosperity we will interview anybody at any time about anything as long as we believe we have something we can learn from them. To many, Rod Dreher seems like a walking contradiction. https://peakprosperity.com/heres-why-i-took-cash-out-of-the-bank/, This Financial Crisis Will Be 10x Worse Than 2008, How Bureaucracies Threaten Lake Mead, Colorado River Basin Communities, Fighting for Farmers: Michael Yon and Pepijn Van Houwelingen, "Worldwide Crisis Watch" on Informed Consent, "I Have A Bad Feeling" on Informed Consent, Fauci Gets Covid, Kids Get Vax, NY Gets 2nd Amendment (Again), Fauci gets Covid! The only problem with this view is it is so short-sighted and unsophisticated it will actually produce the exact opposite of what it (supposedly) intends. Click here for Part 2. Theres a huge, glaring defect at the core of our financial and economic system, and its sitting in plain sight. Its non-negotiable. Chinas statements and actions are consistent with a nation preparing for war. To give you the best possible experience, this site uses cookies. Dr. Chris Martenson of Peak Prosperity uses debunked data to spread fear about 2019-nCoV youtube This thread is archived New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast 4 9 9 comments Best waiting4myteeth 3 yr. ago This did not age well. Peak Prosperity's exclusive LiveCast "Informed Consent" hits the ground running tonight with the Rebel Capitalist George Gammon! Share. A more proper differential would not prematurely exclude the possibility of a vaccine-induced heart arrhythmia while simultaneously trying to steer towards the much rarer and far less likely commotio cordis possibility. So many things are breaking so quickly right now that we must do what we can to stBy Chris Martenson, We were foolish enough to believe we could water the entire southwestern U.S. with the Colorado River. Because the immine, Chris sits down with Dr. Scott Jensen, M.D., a successful family medicine/general practitioner and former Minnesota state senator, now running for the hotly contested Minnesota governors seat this November. Alerts when events cause Chris to take personal action; Announcements (events, promotions, website updates, etc.) We Reclaim Our Power By Withdrawing Our Consent, Rates & the buck move higher; guidance from the unvaxxed, The Hidden Pfizer Safety Report Is Quite Bad, REPLAY: December Peak Insider Live Q&A with Chris and Evie. Baldwin also reveals his take on the "Rush" movie set shooting involving his. Click here for Part 2.By Chris Martenson, Theres a huge, glaring defect at the core of our financial and economic system, and its sitting in plain sight. A large insurance company CEO is on the record stating that deaths among working-age adults (bel. He officially parted with the Republican Party, yet is an edito, Is there anything you can or should do if you are facing a vaccine mandate as a condition of attending school or keeping a job? Order Today! Right now. They pulled out all the stops as they tried, unsuccessfully, to install a bogus narrative that something called commotio cordis was the reason Damar collapsed during a live televised national NFL game. What did we learn? Continue to Part 2 here: https://www.peakprosperity.com/walking-away-from-mass-psychosis/, The six-month safety and efficacy data is in for the Pfizer vax. What will it mean to be an American, a European or a member of Western Civilization in general after these deeply treasured beliefs become but quaint r, Natural Immunity Stronger Than Vaccine Alone, A large well-run study from Israel confirms that people with a prior SARS2 infection have vastly stronger immunity to both subsequent infection as well as hospitalization as compared to people who had received two doses of the Pfizer vaccine (but had not had prior exposure). Robert Barnes, celebrated attorney in landmark cases representing clients as diverse as Wesley Sn, In this video I present three sure fire ways to detect if your government actually cares about your health specifically or public health generally. You are fed up. Now, his stance has completely 180'd; he's not only anti-vaxx now but thinks that the pandemic is essentially over with omicron and that we need to . His hilarious stories and, Ben Swann, always provocative and entertaining, is an American television news anchor, investigative journalist, political commentator and alt-media entrepreneur. Dr Chris Martenson (Peak Prosperity)is manipulating - YouTube Peak Prosperity - YouTube The hellish 18 months we have endured amidst the SARS-COV-2 pandemic have tested us all in many ways. Click here to discuss: www.peakprosperity.com/shocking-nih-cover-up After reviewing the colossal and unforgivable police failings of the case in Uvalde, Texas, I discuss the role our so-called healthcare system plays in these tragic events.By Chris Martenson, Monkeypox! From his days as an avante-garde anchorman in mainstream media, to eventually creating his o, Mandates Have Nothing to Do with Public Health, Once again publicly available data demonstrate that vaccines are not reducing infectivity or transmission, 2 of the main criteria for an injection to be considered a vaccine. Access to, Below the Surface: An Interview with Whitney Webb, At Peak Prosperity we will interview anybody at any time about anything as long as we believe we have something we can learn from them. A third group which had both prior infection and a single jab did somewhat better than either of the other two groups. Click Here for Part 1 Google Podcasts - The Peak Prosperity Podcast Decoding Omicron | Peak Prosperity Click Here for Part 2, (Complexity Energy) x (Arrogance + Ignorance) = A Great Disaster, This is a critical episode. And as long as all the nukes arent creating some global nuclear winter nightmare. November 27, 2021. Click Here for Part 2, The Impossible Financial Trap That Leads To The Great Reset, The U.S. Government is facing an impossible financial future. Inflation is busting out. They also discuss his book and the proclamation of the New Normal that went with the initial Covid propag, The Israeli Study on Heart Damage and Long Covid, Many have been concerned about the syndrome that is called Long Covid. While a very real situation for many, it lacks a precise definition which is why its called a syndrome. They are a far safer group than the vaxxed in that they dont get reinfected as much as the vaxxed, and they dont go to the hospital nearly as often. KunstlerCast - Suburban Sprawl: A Tragic Comedy. They pulled out all the stops as they tried, unsuccessfully, to install a bogus narrative that something called commotio cordis was the reason Damar collapsed during a live televised national NFL game. Peak Prosperity - YouTube Hey, its nothing personal, its just how the end state of an empire seems to express itself , Chinas statements and actions are consistent with a nation preparing for war. Click Here for Part 2By Chris Martenson, A leak from the Department of Homeland Security reveals that the FBI, the DHS and the entire suite of censorious Big Tech social media companies were in cahoots to censor inconvenient voices and unpleasant truths about everything from the Afghanistan pullout, Hunter Bidens laptop and, of course, Covid and vaccines. The good news is, Want to understand why people are fractured into groups and fighting each other? The. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); The latest public content from the blog at Peak Prosperity - register today to join the conversation! Perhaps their neighbor. The Hard Truth with Tony Shaffer - Actor Adam Baldwin, who played Animal Mother on Full Metal Jacket among his many roles, joins LTC Tony Shaffer on The Hard Truth to discuss the importance of both firearms rights in America and handling them responsibly. This week, Chris dissects the latest news and the outbreak of hepatitis in children. Right now. Hey, its nothing personal, its just how the end state of an empire seems to express itself over and over again.Click here for part 2 (https://peakprosperity.com/the-curse-of-see%E2%80%A6early-and-caring/), Chinas statements and actions are consistent with a nation preparing for war. So whats an employee to do? Now it has, and tens of millions of people are staring down the barrel of real trouble.As much as 75% of the water from Lake MBy Chris Martenson, The author of The Rise of the New Normal Reich joins Chris to dig into the system that seems bent on destroying civilized life as we now know it. Listen in to hear about how a remarkable young woman has crafted a beautiful life of meaning and purpose. laboratory creation.Now, we know with 100% certainty that was the case and the entire group of them lied then and have been lying to us ever since.Click Here for Part 2 (https://www.peakprosperity.com/the-key-to-success-is-a-normal-and-healthy-adjustment-reaction?utm_source=BluBrry&utm_medium=podcast&utm_id=221129+E86+P1+Fauci+Emails). At least t, Dr. Peter McCullough recently on the Joe Rogan Experience has been a fierce defender of patients, science, and leads with a big heart and compassion. Fec, The COVID Recovered Are Better Protected than the Vaccinated. Now, we know with 100% certainty that was the case and the entire group of them lied then and have been lying to us ever since. CDC Completely Reverses Course. Yet we rationalize with slogans and make excuses so young people feel safe instead of healin, Dont believe everything youre hearing about the latest horrific school shooting. Click Here for Part 2, Unredacted Emails Finally Reveal The Shocking Truth, Back in 2021, I reported on emails that, although heavily redacted (censored), showed what was almost certainly a cabal of global virologists conspiring with Anthony Fauci of the NIAID and Francis Collins of the NIH to cover-up the possibility of Covid having been the result of an escaped (or released?) Chris dissects the Elon Musk purchase of Twitter and the troubling reaction by triggered mini-tyrants. Dr. Martenson breaks down the immense personal and institutional failures of the US Federal Reserve, connecting them broadly . The Intercept news organization has been trying to gain some insight into the origins of SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes Covid-19. Controversial Topics Enter at Your Own Risk! - Page 84 | Peak https://peakprosperity.com/heres-why-i-took-cash-out-of-the-bank/By Chris Martenson, Fauci gets Covid! Mattias Desmet on Mass Formation | Peak Prosperity Home | Peak Prosperity Information you can't afford to live without! Chris Martenson is one of the finest minds of our time in the western world, and instead of using . Featured Comment 1677848476 2023-03-01T10:29:42 1677684582 163894 Its a death spiral that ends with the destruction of the U.S. dollar or a depression so bad it might as well be called Dark Ages II. Click Here for Part 2, Why The Windfall Oil Tax Will Backfire Badly, Those greedy oil companies! All rights reserved. If you value learning, as I do, then you know that you have to consider all sides of every issue. However, unfortunately, none of the World Economic Forum or western leaders display any inkling of the fact that they live in a complex and nuanced world governed by reality. A very well-studied form of psychological warfare is being waged against us, and it's designed to encourage us to overlook where the shocks are originating and fight amongst each other. KunstlerCast - Suburban Sprawl: A Tragic Comedy on Apple Podcasts Kids Get Vaccinated and N.Y. citizens get the Second Amendment back. And its time for us to understand what the data really tells us about how best to move forward in our lives knowledgeably and gracefully. So, get ready for a future of lower oil supplies and higher prices along with related economic harms that will land most on the poor. Even better, there's no evidence that it has come from a lab - so that's a huge relief. But our struggle to beat back this disease (and maintain our societies and economies in the meantime) pales in comparison to the threat of another new pandemic sweeping the globe: our loss of basic freedoms and rights. and what we can do to be more resilient in the face of such massive change. In 2006, he wrote Crunchy Cons to explain why conservatives should support the environment, small businesses, even organic products. Too many to pick from, but lets give it go. Yet we rationalize with slogans and make excuses so young people feel safe instead of healing them. Chris did a great job with objective, scientific study on the virus and how dangerous it would prove to be on society. Its Time to Discuss The Real Reasons Driving The Violence. In every instance, the legislation seeks to undermine parental and privacy rights, limit freedom and impose state willpower over what, Is it important that we find out whether SAR-CoV-2 came from a natural source or due to human activity in a lab? None of the measures have actually worked so far an, The Fifth Circuit struck down the OSHA vaccine workplace mandates on the basis that they are a hot mess. All rights reserved. Now we know why. Peak Prosperity Chris Martenson - Apple Podcasts - Apple Eventually they transfer their anger and rage at that enemy which is Covid today upon a more relatable a nearby object. There are some quite serious anomalies that are begging for answers.By Chris Martenson, It's Summer 2020 all over again? Instead of race, it's Roe v. Wade. Now, we know with 100%, Those greedy oil companies! Chris Martenson explains how we can be headed for a brick wall, yet not see until it's right on top of us. You'll need this information to prepare because it will impact us all. Complimentary tickets to all virtual Peak Prosperity events and our annual in-person gathering . Chris Martenson, PhD (Duke), MBA (Cornell) is an economic researcher and futurist specializing in energy and resource depletion, and founder of PeakProsperity.com.